🧰Low Code Commands
The simplest way to interface with CV.
Low Code Commands
The EyePop Command Parser, built on the PEG.js framework, provides the ability to interpret and process a variety of commands related to computer vision tasks. There are different types of commands available for developers, each serving a specific purpose:
Count Command (countCommand)
Format: [Entity] Count [Operator] [Integer Value]
Description: Checks the count of a specified entity.
Example: ‘Person Count > 2’
Count Rule Command (countRuleCommand)
Format: Rule Count [Rule Index] [Operator] [Integer Value]
Description: Checks the count of a specified rule index.
Example: ‘Rule Count 3 > 5’
Between Command (betweenCommand)
Format: [Entity] Area between [Low Percentage]% and [High Percentage]%
Description: Verifies if the area of a specified entity falls between the given percentages.
Example: ‘Car Area between 10% and 50%’
Position Command (positionCommand)
Format: [Entity with Pose Part] [Relation] [Entity with Pose Part]
Description: Checks the position relation between two entities with specific pose parts.
Example: ‘Person left eye above Person right hand’
Emotion Command (emotionCommand)
Format: [Entity] Expression = [Emotion]
Description: Validates if a specified entity (typically a face) is exhibiting a given emotion.
Example: ‘Person Expression = Happy’
Combined Position Command (combinedPositionCommand)
Format: A combination of multiple positionCommand entries.
Description: Allows checking multiple position relations in one command.
Example: ‘Person left eye above Person right hand Person left wrist below Person left elbow’
Supported Definitions
Entities (entity): This includes a variety of objects such as 'Person,' 'Car,' 'Bicycle,' 'Teddy Bear,' and many more.
Emotions (emotion): Supported emotions include 'Happy,' 'Neutral,' 'Sad,' 'Surprise,' 'Angry,' 'Fear,' and 'Disgust.'
Size Parts (sizePart): Defines the relative size of an entity, with options like 'Biggest' and 'Smallest.'
Entity Part (entityPart): A combination of size part and an entity. For example, 'Biggest Car.'
Entity Pose Part (entityPosePart): Combines an entity part with a pose part. For example, 'Biggest Person left eye.'
Pose Part (posePart): Refers to specific body parts in a direction, like 'left eye' or 'right wrist.'
Operators (op): Determines the relationship for comparison, with supported operators including '>' (greater than) and '=' (equal to).
Relations (relation): Describes the positional relationship, such as 'above' or 'below.'
Percentage (percentage): An integer percentage, such as '10' or '50.'
Integer (integer): Regular integer values.
Word (word): General string values without spaces.
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